The helper industry is constantly changing, sometimes leading to changes in employment arrangements. Even when employers and helpers get along well, certain situations that make a transfer necessary can arise.
You might need a transfer helper when a child becomes more independent, a family moves to a new place, or other unexpected events occur. Employers and helpers must understand the transfer process to ensure a smooth transition.
Let’s know more below.
What is a Transfer Helper?
A helper works in a household and moves from one job to another. This change involves officially switching employers, usually arranged by an agency or directly between the employers involved.
10 Common Reasons for Transferring a Helper
Here are a few reasons why a helper moves to a different:
1. Child’s Growing Independence
As kids grow into teenagers, their approach to self-care changes a lot. They often improve at doing things independently, like dressing, cooking meals, and keeping clean. Because of this increased independence, families may rethink how many domestic helpers they need around the house.
2. Family Relocation
Moving to a new country or area often requires finding someone who understands the local way of life, including the language and customs.
If the person you currently rely on isn’t able or willing to adjust to this new environment, it might be time to look for someone else. Additionally, different countries have rules about hiring foreign helpers, so finding a replacement who meets those requirements is crucial.
3. Helper’s Reasons
Helpers have lives and dreams outside of their work. They might switch jobs for different reasons, such as a better opportunity from the best helper agency for them, a change in personal circumstances, or their various needs and challenges.
- Family Emergencies: Sometimes, urgent family issues, like a severe illness or needing to care for elderly parents, may require a helper to return to their home country for a while or for good.
- Health Issues: If a helper faces health problems that make it difficult to do their job, they might need to move to a different position or employer.
- Desire for Career Advancement: Some helpers look for ways to grow in their careers or find better-paying jobs, which can lead them to seek new opportunities with different families.
- Personal Preferences: Sometimes, a domestic helper prefers to work with a different family or in a new environment that suits them better.
4. Change in Family Circumstances
Significant life changes affect what a family needs at home. For instance, when a baby is born, families often need more help with childcare. On the other hand, if parents go through a divorce or separation, there could be fewer people in the household, which might mean there’s less housework to do.
Additionally, suppose an older family member comes to live with you. In that case, they may need extra care, which could mean hiring someone new from a helper agency to help or moving someone who already helps into a different role.
5. Employer’s Dissatisfaction with Performance
When someone helping doesn’t meet what the employer needs, it can cause a lot of frustration and disappointment. Some common problems with their performance might include:
- Unreliability: If someone is often late and absent, it can throw off the routine at home.
- Lack of Motivation: When a person doesn’t put in effort or seems uninterested in their tasks, it can lead to poor results.
- Communication Issues: Language barriers or a struggle to express oneself can make working well with others hard.
- Dishonesty: If a domestic helper is dishonest or takes things that don’t belong to them, it can break the trust needed for a good working relationship.

6. Helper’s Dissatisfaction with Working Conditions
Many helpers change jobs because they are unhappy with their working conditions. This dissatisfaction can show up in different ways:
- Too Much Work: Helpers who have to deal with an overwhelming number of tasks, long hours, or very tight schedules can experience exhaustion and stress.
- Bad Living Conditions: If the place where helpers live is not suitable—like being too crowded, lacking privacy, or just in poor shape—it can affect their overall health and happiness.
- Unfair Treatment: Domestic helpers who face discrimination, bullying, or verbal abuse tend to steer clear of toxic and hostile workplaces.
7. Contract Expiration
Many maid contracts are for a fixed term. When a contract expires, the helper may transfer to a new employer for better pay, working conditions, or a more suitable working environment.
8. Agency Policies
Some organisations have rules about how long someone can stay in a job and what happens when they need to change positions. For example, they might ask workers to switch careers after a specific time, even if they are happy where they are.
Additionally, workers who aren’t doing their jobs well or breaking any crucial rules might have constant transfer helpers.
9. Government Regulations
Changes in immigration laws or job rules can affect whether maids are allowed to work in a country. These changes could make it harder for them to get work permits, shorten their job contracts, or restrict the kinds of jobs they are eligible for.
As a result, these workers might have to find new employment or relocate to different areas to comply with the latest regulations.
10. Mutual Agreement
Sometimes, the employer and the worker may decide to change jobs together. This can happen if the domestic helper is looking for something new and exciting, the employer is dealing with money problems, or both sides want to part ways in a friendly way.
By being aware of these situations, employers and workers can make choices about job changes and create a more positive and productive work environment.
Learn More with the Experts!
If you have questions about the home help industry, let the team at Maid Management Services assist you! Correct information, especially regarding your safety and security, is essential. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help.
Know more about what a transfer helper is with our friendly team!